Instances of the Blueprint class will automatically affect sound propagation as they are instantiated, destroyed, or moved. Blueprint classes can be configured as dynamic geometry.When sublevels are streamed in or out, Steam Audio will automatically add (or remove) the relevant geometry from its internal copy for simulation. Geometry data can be exported for all open sublevels, or selectively for the currently active sublevel. Sublevels, including streaming sublevels, are now supported.Events authored in FMOD Studio can now use occlusion, transmission, reverb, pathing, etc. Added support for using Steam Audio in Unreal Engine with FMOD Studio.Steam Audio Unreal Engine Plugin 4.1.0 requires Unreal Engine 4.27 or later. This is a major update to the Steam Audio Unreal Engine plugin, and is not backwards-compatible with previous releases. Potential fix for crash in setParam callback of the spatializer effect.Fixed memory leak in Steam Audio Source component.Fixed bug where probe generation failed if the Steam Audio Static Mesh was not in a root-level GameObject.Updated for compatibility with Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.0.Fix crash in iplSimulatorCommit when the simulator has not been initialized for reflections.This is an output parameter that can be used to retrieve the left- and right- ear peak delays corresponding to the HRIRs applied by Steam Audio when iplBinauralEffectApply is called. Added a new peakDelays parameter to IPLBinauralEffectParams.Add a menu command to copy FMOD Studio plugins to the correct directory based on the version of FMOD Studio used.If Unity passes a mono output buffer to the spatialize effect, do nothing.Fix issue where reverb would not work after calling Reinitialize().Fix issue where mixer return effect would sometimes emit silence.Potential fix for various crashes caused by using SetSpatializerFloat to send a float* from managed code to native code.Updated to use Steam Audio FMOD Studio Plugin 4.1.2.Fix crash in sample API sample program.Fix crash when creating a static mesh with certain kinds of degenerate geometry using the default ray tracer.Fix crash when exporting to OBJ when using Embree.Fix bug in surface area calculations for the default ray tracer on ARM CPUs.Fix crashes when adding/removing static meshes when using Embree.Updated to latest version of libmysofa.

Allow the Ambisonics decode effect to be used with a NULL HRTF.Allow hybrid reverb effect to be used with a NULL impulse response, in which case it's equivalent to parametric reverb.